Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 19, 2014 conditions

I was so sad to see a new load of trash on 43rd Avenue tonight [Friday, September 19]. Actually, there were two new piles- one on either end of the Ave. These definitely qualify as "enough trash to fill a bathtub"- TWO tubs. I think I will try to tackle the smaller pile, as it looks "clean" (seems to consist of a huge flatscreen TV box* and a bunch of plastic planters). But I'm not touching the other pile, which smells like decomp. I'll put in yet another call to 311. I am grateful to the DSNY workers who respond to these disgusting dumping calls. I wish some power-that-is would help me implement a long-term solution to the 43rd Avenue dumping problem.

*Hmm, so someone can purchase an enormous TV, bring it home, and yet not be able to put the box out (in front of their own property, I mean) for recycling? I hate to make assumptions about people (e.g., people who buy moviescreen-size TVs for their living rooms probably spend a great deal of time with their wide anal regions glued to the couch and their eyes fixed on the pretty moving objects on screen, and probably haven't opened a book, um, ever). But come on, it's bad enough that you would want to bring such a hideous, neuron-zapping contraption into your home. At least have the decency to properly dispose of the box in which it was packaged.

Sunday, September 21, 2014, 8pm
UPDATE! I called 311 yesterday morning to report the garbage that is partially depicted in the photo above [Case number 2014-MLAA10185, called in 9/20/14]. This morning, I found that most of the pile had been picked up. YAY DSNY!!--same day service, wow! I am very grateful for their prompt response. This afternoon I took care of the scattered litter that was left behind. There was enough to fill two large black bags. But the area is currently litter-free!! (let's see how many hours this lasts). **Oh, and when I was picking up the stray litter, a man walking by with groceries (which would indicate that he lives nearby) said thank you! I can't tell you how grateful I am to receive thank-you's from the neighbors. Makes me feel like people actually appreciate- heck, NOTICE- the difference I am trying to make on this neglected stretch of land.

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