Saturday, September 20, 2014

Ah, 43rd Avenue: keeping it classy!

Okay, this photo was staged: I found the bottle and the drug baggies in different sections of 43rd, not right next to each other.

I'm going to save the drug baggies from now on, and see how many I can collect in a week. Probably a lot. Maybe I'll make a collage.

The ubiquitous drug baggies were part of my motivation to start picking up garbage in my neighborhood. You see, there is a C.A. group that meets around here, and I always thought it was offensive to people who are actively struggling to OVERCOME their addictions to have to walk among drug paraphernalia.
9/26/14 Update (and tangential scribblings): The sad thing about being a human being is that you are just one of however-many-bazillion other human beings; as such, the likelihood of having a unique idea is low. I just read that someone already came up with the idea of collecting drug baggies. Though I was disappointed to learn that I'm not  as ground-breakingly brilliant as I thought, I have to admit that I find this guy's project pretty neat. You can read about British photographer Dan Giannopoulos's project here:
I haven't seen such a variety of drug baggy designs in Elmhurst. But I do remember finding an autumnal-themed baggy last year-- I think it featured pumpkins. I wish I saved it, or at least photographed it. I thought it was very quaint, and wondered if MStew had expanded her vast empire to include drug baggy production. After all, if there is a buck to be made somewhere, Martha will sniff it out in no time. Did you know she sells her own line of pills now? For real! Didn't she learn anything from Dr Phil's foray into the diet pill scene in the early 2000's??

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