Monday, September 22, 2014

Correspondence re: 43rd Avenue

Just to keep everything in one place, I am going to start posting my correspondence regarding the 43rd Avenue sitch. Here are some exchanges from late February 2014, when 43rd Avenue was assaulted by horrible, filthy people in two incidents of excessive* dumping (*excessive even by 43rd Avenue standards:  in each instance, it looked like someone emptied an entire apartment onto the Avenue).

February 22, 2014 message to the city:
The information you have provided is as follows:
Customer Comment
Message: Hello. Our neighborhood has a real problem with illegal dumping on 43rd Avenue between 72nd and 73rd Streets. A few days ago someone dumped an enormous pile of books, personal papers, cds, GLASS picture frames that are now broken, etc. This pile takes up 2 parking spaces, and makes the sidewalk impassable. I attempted to bag up some of the debris, but the job is enormous, dangerous (lots of broken glass), and requires a special trash pickup because there is just so much of it. There is a lot of mail in the pile, so you may be able to track down the person who did this. I will continue to try calling 311 (I was just on hold for about 20 mins), but this is not an isolated incident, just a much larger pile than usual. Please help!
Thank you for contacting the City of New York. Your message has been forwarded to the appropriate agency for review and handling. For future reference, your service request number is 1-1-941347291.


The City of New York

I guess I also sent an e-mail to Councilman Dromm (I am still trying to find my e-mail message; I may have deleted it though). A very nice, helpful woman from his office replied.

Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:25 AM


Dear Ms. -,
Recently, you contacted Council Member Dromm regarding an ongoing problem with illegal dumping on 43rd Avenue between 72nd and 74th Streets. In your email you mentioned that you called 311. Were you able to obtain a 311 reference number? If yes, please provide me with that number so that I can follow up with the Department of Sanitation. Department of Sanitation requires a 311 number before they will take a request for follow up from this office. In addition, if you are able to photograph the conditions and send me copies of the photos this will help me follow up with DSNY. If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Sharon Stanley, Esq.
Constituent Services Liaison
Office of NYC Council Member Daniel Dromm

Dear Ms. Stanley,

Thank you very much for your e-mail. I just got through to 311 a moment ago (around 4pm on Monday, February 24). I reported the problem. The reference number that the 311 operator gave me is 2014MLM402685. I will take photos tomorrow morning on the way to work and e-mail them to you. Thank you again.

Dear Ms. Stanley,

While I was at work yesterday, someone came by and collected the huge pile of trash on 43rd Avenue. I guess other neighbors called 311 about it before I did. In any case, the area is clean now, so there is no need for you to follow up on my call to 311. But I thank you for your attention to the matter and your quick response.


March 3, 2014

I’m glad to hear that the problem was resolved.  If the issue develops again, please feel free to contact me with your 311 reference number and I will follow up with Sanitation immediately.

Here are two other complaint numbers that I had written down on post-it notes:
2014-MLGA-20957: September 2014 complaint to 311 regarding dumping of large glass case (looked like a deli case; definitely commercial). As always, DSNY was great and responded within a day or two.
2014-MLMA-06201: September 5, 2014 complaint to 311 regarding dumping of construction debris plus 2 large trash bags.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent idea to keep track of these complaints & associated correspondence here. I like your exchange with Ms Sharon Stanley. She is professional, seems to care, and treats you like a human and not like a number. Three cheers for Sharon Stanley! And thirty-three cheers for the author of this blogette!!!
