Monday, October 6, 2014

Home sweet home! You too can squat in this luxury condo on 43rd Ave!

View from the front.
This building went up fairly quickly a couple years ago, but it was never completed. For a few years, there was a shoddy, graffitied-upon, always-falling-down temporary fence around it. After neighbors called in many a'complaint to 311, the owner(?) came by about a month ago, took down the ugly fence, and removed a lot of garbage that had piled up. But I haven't seen him since. Now there is no fence around the structure, and at least one ground-floor window is broken. Graffiti has been added to the back door (heck, let's just refer to graffiti as "43rd Avenue Décor" at this point). Most disturbingly, for the past week I have noticed that either the side or back door is always open a few inches. Saturday morn, I hollered a "Hello" and rang the bell, thinking maybe the owner was inside. But no one answered. I moved on and returned a few minutes later to find that the door had been shut and locked. SO, my brilliant mind deduced that someone was inside....someone who did not want to answer the door {da da daaaaam!} I am worried that since this empty building is open to the public, people are living in it, or at least hanging out.

Oh, and there was a powerful odor of feces coming from the open door. Whatever happened to not sh*tting where you eat*?? (*eat, smoke crack, same difference)

This building is around the corner from a large elementary school and a Preschool. In other words, many people- including ChildPeople- have to walk by every day. That's pretty messed up.

View from the back. Left: an old mattress covers the broken window on the side of the building. Either this back door or the side door has been ajar every time I passed for the last week or two.

Service Request #: C1-1-1020638231
Date Submitted: 10/06/14 1:21:54 PM


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