Thursday, July 2, 2015

43rd Avenue Vice!

This past Saturday, June 28, the day of my encounter  with the creepy perv, I collected the usual number of drug baggies on 43rd Avenue and on 74th Street. What the fork is wrong with people?!? Also, while I was picking up litter on 43rd Avenue, I met Brian of the diaper leaves and buds. When he saw me rolling the garbage cart towards his car, he got out and scraped the contents of a blunt into the can. Then he declared his intention of replacing that nasty stuff with more fragrant dried leaves (those weren't his words, of course). Whatever, as long as he does it in his own home or vehicle and doesn't litter Phillies Blunt crap all over the sidewalk like the stupid loser 43rd Avenue smokers do, I don't have the energy to care. I just found it remarkable that this encounter happened so early in the day- say, 9am, 9:30 at the latest. Apparently the term that applies to such activity is "Wake and Bake" (I just learned this yesterday).

Weed weed weed.... if only that were the only drug round these parts. But most of the drug baggies I pick up are too small to hold pot, and many still have white powder/crystal residue.

Case in point: this morning as I was walking down 74th Street towards the train, I found a used alcohol pad and wrappers on someone's steps. I carry alcohol pads when picking up trash (so I can give my hands a scrub with them, followed of course by a "wash" with hand sanitizer gel). Stupid me, the first thought that popped into my head was that someone else must be collecting neighborhood trash and just got careless with their alcohol pad wrapper. My second thought was that maybe the wrapper had been left by a diabetic who had given himself an insulin shot. But no, I don't think that was the case either, because next to the discarded alcohol pad and wrapper was a discarded tiny pink drug bag that still had white grains in it. The grains were like the size of fancy chunky table salt, ie, bigger than powder or sugar grains. So I don't know what that is. Crack? Do crack smokers need to use alcohol pads? Or was this a drug that could be injected? (If so, I'm glad they took their needle with them at least.) Anyway, it's freaking DISGUSTING. Imagine being the person who lives in that house, and walking out your front door to find drug paraphernalia. Imagine opening the door and sending your kid ahead down the steps, and he picks up the little pink baggy. It's so gross. WHY WHY do people think it's okay to do drugs out in public, right on someone's front steps? This stretch of 74th, a block and a half up from Roosevelt Ave, is very busy at all times of day and night. Yet someone felt it was okay to just whip out the drugs. They assumed no one would say anything about it, much less call the cops, and they were right. :o(

By the way, this past Saturday morning I also passed a car in which a lady was servicing a fellow. Again, SATURDAY MORNING. Broad daylight. So gross. So very very gross :o(

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