Sunday, February 14, 2016

A festive Valentine's Day was had on 43rd Avenue!

Yesterday I went out in the freezing cold and picked up every piece of litter from the Avenue. (FWIW, I filled 2 trash bags with the crap from this short block between 74th and 72nd). I stupidly thought that yesterday's clean-up would at least last through the night, especially since it was like 0 degrees. I believed that the frigid temperature would keep the usual troglodyte druggy sh*tbags and dumpers indoors. But alas, neither cold nor frost nor -5 degree wind chills will keep the garbage (human and otherwise) off 43rd Avenue.
This blue baggie was right on the church steps.

Ah, romance was in the air! 

Nothing keeps you warm like a belly full of Georgi! (Georgi is actually better for the OGCLE: it comes in a plastic bottle so at least I do not have to clean up broken glass.)

Here we have a pile of 43rd Ave crap, along with what looks like frozen urine.

And of course, we have to have some more dumping! This looks like it is from the same f*ckhole whose crap I picked up yesterday: old clothes mixed with construction debris. The OPEN orange bucket contained linoleum paste; thankfully it froze and did not stick to the ground. It was heavy as f*ck to lift.

I apologize for cursing so much, but I am SO disgusted and FURIOUS!- I mean, what the serious fork is wrong with people?!? These items were left around the corner from a church with a preschool as well as P.S. 12, so little kids have to pass booze and drug and sex leavings. I grew up in Flatbush in the 80s and I remember collecting the ubiquitous discarded crack viles because the caps came in different colors, and the vials made good Barbie cups. I mean, that sh*t is not right!! Kids should not have to be exposed to this kind of crap!!

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